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    Yay!  Yoga!


I remember reading that book for book club, and it resonated with me. Who moved my cheese? The ability to adapt, adjust and acclimatize is an important teaching from the Temple of Kriya Yoga as well. Here we are, taking yoga classes on line from our living rooms, and working on my verbal skills! I am dedicated to bringing yoga to you however is available at the moment - private lessons for one or two people is all our sweet studio can safely contain. I truly love teaching from my living room and being able to connect with yogis where ever they are. My cheese has been moved, and so has yours, what are we going to do about it? Stay tuned for more information about my avenues of cheese finding.

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May 3rd is the first day of our new adventure together! Exciting doesn't quite describe it. It is a dream come true, and I am so happy I get to share it with so many wonderful people. Yoga is a journey of self-awareness and loving kindness. We will also be working on giving you the tools to create a body that works in harmony. Practicing Yoga will make you stronger, more flexible and give you better balance. The gifts are endless. This studio will have chairs, blocks, mats, straps, sandbags, blankets and bolsters, and we will use these props to further our practice and self awareness. Our focus is on the alignment of the pose, doing it in a way that honors your body, and moves towards balance.

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Hello Friends, this is my first sentence of my first blog. Welcome. I am not a literary

genius, so please bear with me. I am here to give you some insight into your body,

through my observations, research and life.

Bringing me to the sharp pain under my big toe. Stepping on it was terribly painful.

Turns out, the pain in the bottom of my toe, was coming from muscles in my lower leg.

All three of the muscles listed in the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, by Clair Davies,

as possible culprits to my pain were in my lower leg.

I could massage my toe and foot forever and never fix the problem. It's called referred

pain, and it happens more often than you think. I highly recommend this book. If you

have a human body, you should own this book. It will help you get to know your body

better, and it will allow you to take charge of your pain, and manage it more expertly.

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